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 Does anyone speak English

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C O N T R O L L A    D I S C U S S I O N E
tony ciancio Inviato - 28/05/2004 : 13:16:55
Hi My name is Tony Ciancio
does anyone speak English?

I am interested in Dasa

Tony Ciancio
5   U L T I M E    R I S P O S T E    (in alto le pił recenti)
mimc Inviato - 05/06/2004 : 00:40:00
Yes i do.

tony ciancio Inviato - 02/06/2004 : 04:18:51

Do you actually live in Dasa?

Tony Ciancio
mimc Inviato - 01/06/2004 : 23:55:51
Hi Tony

insert surname (Cognome), city (Cittą) and click Ok
on the form of the page link:

tony ciancio Inviato - 01/06/2004 : 12:46:31
Just wondering if I can have a telephone listing of the people
that live in Dasa.
My Parents had left there in 1948.
I believe my Aunty has moved back.

Surnames of interest: Ciancio, Stramondinoli, Scopacasa, Corrado

Thankyou very much

If you would like info regarding Australia, Sydney
More than happy to help.


Tony Ciancio

Tony Ciancio
mimc Inviato - 28/05/2004 : 21:52:12
Hello Tony
what you want to know on dasą

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